guess what is the bidding price now for this regular and super treasure hunt 57 chevy? (picture by dougfuball1)
checkout the bidding price fo this item ->
and another one. guess what is the bidding price for this error reg treasure hunt chevy? (picture by dougfuball1)
check it out ->
this is my reaction -> @.@" lol. well i hope i'm able to find this treasure hunt car when the wave hit our shore. oh, make sure you check out the final bidding price ya cause the auction is only ending in another 3 days. hehehe.
i was really attracted to the detail of this cars. it has so much of details, plus the tampo are neetly and nicely printed on the car. this easily put on shame to some of the more expensive and sloopy tampo of hot wheels cars.
click on the individual pic to see the pic in bigger size to appreciate the detail that maisto has put into this casting. :)
see the comparison between the real cars. the real cars Photos Copyright ©2008 Dan Roth / Weblogs, Inc.
maisto has done a really good job on this casting which in my opinion is almost 95% accurate compare to the actual car it self. i must say i'm really impressed!
so next time while you are hunting for hot wheels cars, make sure you slow down your footstep and take a look at some of these maisto cars as well. some of the casting are beautiful and really worth every penny you spend on them. :)