i went to Taiwan for a short business trip few days ago. see what i found in their convinient store? :p

this is the store i found the bone shaker TH. hehe.

unlike malaysia, in taiwan the convinient store that sell hot wheels is Family Mart, not 7-Eleven. however their hot wheels stock is very old and very limited (about 6 pcs per store only). their 7-Eleven store doesn't sell hot wheels but they do sell tomica. i found one tomica civic type-r in one of the 7-Eleven there. :)
then on my trip back to KL, stumble upon this in one of the toy shop in KLIA.

of so many new wave that hit our shore recently, why must it be the ford gtx1 wave again?? it can be either baja bug, 69 mustang, avanti or 58 chevy impala wave but ford gtx1?? arrrrgggggg...... so i consulted my self luckily it's not the cadillac wave. lol.
anyway i just took that super gtx1 and leave the other 4 regular gtx1 on there. so now guess how many super ford gtx1 i have?? =.=""
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Batman - The Brave And The Bold
Disney - Mickey Mouse Club House
Disney - Winnie The Pooh, Peter Pan, Jungle Book, Dumbo, Lilo & Stitch
Disney - Handy Manny
Nickelodeon - Diego, Dora The Explorer, Wonder Pets, Blue's Clue, Sponge Bob
part of the reason i bought these is because my kid love to watch these cartoon series. so these cars is actually for them rather than me. plus, with 30% discount off from it's normal retail price RM44.90, i think it's worth the money. :)