it has been almost a month since 7E started the ramadan promotion on HW/MB cars. and today mark the last day of the promotion in 7E. i do most of my hw/mb car hunting in the first 3 days of the promotion. after that, i just randomly drop by into the 7E that i pass by.
for those of you frequently hunt in 7E, i'm sure you'll ask this question when you wailk into 7E - "bang/dik/kak, ada stock hw lagi tak?" (mean is there any more hw stock that's not been displayed?). i'm sure you'll get some familiar/same answer from the staff. haha. i hereby present you the top 10 answer from the 7E staff:
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i love this car, the colour, the tampo, the design, it's just perfect to me. hehe. perhaps is bacause of the BANDAI words on the car attracted me the most, because Bandai is the manufacturer of my beloved SD Gundam. :D
a special thanks to PJToyCar which introduce me to one of his friend that selling this car. and btw, there are another 2 tomica limited JGTC cars that i bought together with this. stay tune!