the best thing about this jusco is everytime they restock, for sure you will not find the TH on the rack except for those overloaded TH like 2008 qombee. lol. infact there was a mattel consigment staff working in this jusco toy department, so what can you expect?
anyway, this got to be the best deal in town - buy 3 ghost and free 1 camaro! :D
since we're in the field report topic, i have a short story to tell. hehe.
i was in one of the hypermarket yesterday evening and i stumble upon a guy (which in his early 30s) that's browsing through the hw rack which just recently restock with ratbomb wave. i walk pass him but i still hang around in toy section to see other toys. then i heard he is asking one of the staff there is there anymore hw that's not being display yet. and that staff lead him to a another lady staff which i think in charge of the toy section. at first it's all cool because sometime we did the same thing asking the staff is there anymore stock. but it's not cool anymore when he start giving his phone number to that lady staff! i was like WT... this kind of collecter are the one that really spoil the fun of hunting of other collector. i really felt dissapointed and disgusted..... and guess what, i saw this same collector again in jusco maluri today. =.=""
****** Updated 09/04/2010 ******
this one specially dedicated to the guy that i mention above leaving his phone number with the staff in the hypermarket. found it in the same hypermaket after you leave your phone number dude! move your lazy @$$ and go hunting! don't just layback relax waiting for sms and phone call! d-.-b
wah.. congrats bro! so lucky u found so many ecto-1 , can i trade one wif a cheverator reg t-hunt wif u?
haha! luck on your side and not to the other fella!
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