for hot wheels, the morris mini is the hardest one to find. not because of limited restock, but people is hoarding (yes i really mean hoarding!) dozen and dozen of the morris mini as can be seen from the posting in our local forum. all are so proud to be able to find so many mini....
as for matchbox, there are some new matchbox wave that's been restock in 7E now. the matchbox new wave do come with some very nice cars. i was quite surprise to see the quick sander and lotus evora in 7E as i do not see any people posted this 2 cars in their recent purchase from 7E.
did you guys stumble upon this quick sander and lotus evora often in 7E? i know i don't because so far i only see them once from around 15 7E that i visited.
nice hauling there bro...
Nope, never seen the Quick Sander or the Evora.. demm.. those are nice..
oh so it's quite hard to find these 2 then.
just found the Quick Sander and Evora this afternoon. but didnt take cos not really my favourite. :P
but it's true, quite hard to find. my previous 10 visits to 7E i didnt see any..
you got pm in LYN danny boy! :)
pm replied! :)
decals on the sander cun!
congrats on the evo x too!
fisker karma silver harder to find than red? cuz i dont like the red color..haha
sander without any decal is also cun. hehe. this casting has a lto of detail.
yes i think the karma silver is harder to find than the red one. so far i only see it once.
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