anyway, received a call from post office today to go and collect my parcel. Didn't expect it to be so many! Normally I will received 2 or 3 parcel from ebay everyweek, but this time somehow they all come together at the same time.
one of the box that contain all the yummy JDM cars. hehe.
>> click to show more - click again to hide <<
freaking awesome...
saw the street tuners Civics.. yummy....
very nice bro...
woiiii y so ganassssss!!! @_@
oiitt!!! Remember to reserve some for me!!:)
I AM WAITING!! Ha ha!!
@mushroom - thanks hehehe.
@kurz - aku pun tak prasan so many until all the parcel arrived. :p
@CKH - what you want bro?
I wan the bat mobile and the blue Mclaren F1.
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