i wasn't a hot wheels 69 mustang collector, but this hot wheels 69 mustang from 2011 cars of decades series really catches my eyes when i first saw it.
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Uma nova série de Acceleracers da Hot Wheels em breve?
Semanas atrás vazaram fotos de dois carros remodelados da antiga série
Acceleracers de 20 anos atrás, e informações dizem que está no forno uma
série básic...
5 hours ago
first thing that you'll notice when you hold the car in your hand is the weight of the car. It's heavy! the colour combination and the tampo really blend well, making even a non 69 mustang collector like me hard to resist.
click on pic to view in bigger size.
did you know the front hood can be opened to reveal the engine? :D
a family pics before it all gone to their new respective owner very soon.