here are some of the hot wheels and matchbox cars that i pickup from 7-Eleven and various store locally. this time is really bought locally ya. :p

for hot wheels, the morris mini is the hardest one to find. not because of limited restock, but people is hoarding (yes i really mean hoarding!) dozen and dozen of the morris mini as can be seen from the posting in our local forum. all are so proud to be able to find so many mini....
as for matchbox, there are some new matchbox wave that's been restock in 7E now. the matchbox new wave do come with some very nice cars. i was quite surprise to see the quick sander and lotus evora in 7E as i do not see any people posted this 2 cars in their recent purchase from 7E.

did you guys stumble upon this quick sander and lotus evora often in 7E? i know i don't because so far i only see them once from around 15 7E that i visited.
well this is what i stumble upon today, the biggest pile of hot wheels cases that i have seen so far after 3 years of collecting hot wheels. it was really shock to me to see such a huge quantity of restock in this hypermarket. there are at least 50 cases up there!
N and M indicated that this is the latest wave that's been restock in our shore recently. So what will you do? pull a chair start taking down those box by your self? claim 'customer is always right' and open up ALL the box one by one even without asking permission? 'sapu' (hoard) all the TH and other hot car from the box?
if you want to 'explore' those box, please ask the permission from the staff first ya. don't be like some of those DESPERATE collector that trespassing into the hypermarket store room without permission, or start digging out the box and leave a mess of it. understand that 'customer is always right', but i'm sure you don't want to end up beeing escorted out by security or beeing ban from entering the hypermarket again, right?
so guess what i do when i saw those boxes? well believe it or not, i just select some of the cars from the pegs without even touching a single box of those. lol. too much hasle to take down those boxes just for a few car that i want.
so for you that have been looking new restock, you can try your luck in this hypermarket. but from the look of the boxes seems like all has been opened up. so don't put high hope for those hot car like skyline R32 and honda civic ya.
oh ya almost forgot, where is this hypermarket? :)
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jeng jeng jeng! Carefour Ampang.
happy hunting!