
Deformover Aubenseiter

one parcel arrive from japan last week, and this time no more guessing game. :p

it is deformover aubenseiter.

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this is the 2nd kit produce by megahouse for deformover series. the retail price of this kit is more than deformover dygenguar (the 1st deformover kit) partly because it has bigger parts than dygenguar.

below pic are taken from gamu toys - http://gamu-toys.info/sonota/sonota/dfo02/dfo02.html

it can turn into a chariot.

so that dygenguar can ride on it. :D

a family photo.


danielh said...

honestly speaking, i really respect your collection. It's awesome! The figurines are very lively and details in colour.

How much do you pay for it? and thanks for sharing!

kuku said...

thanks daniel. it's about RM280 including shipping. had to get it online cause local shop is selling RM320. =.="

danielh said...

wow! that saves your wallet alot!