click on below for some of this year bakuc and gundam fair pic. appologize for some of the blur pic. :p
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every twice a year, Litt Tak Malaysia will organize this bakuc and gundam fair. normally one will be held in the middle of the year, and another one end of the year. after seeing how cheap gundam kit is sold in taiwan, i don't feel like buying anything from this gundam fair.... i'll shall keep my bullet for my next taiwan business trip in another 2 weeks time. :D
Hi Kuku ,
Long time no see.I hope you are doing fine.
I'm sure everybody is very busy during this year end.
I haven't visit Sg.Wang parade for quite a long time.Fascinating gunman model standing proudly & gorgoeusly.
I would like to wish you & family Merry X'mas & a Happy new year.
thanks for the pics..surprisingly tak banyak orang post pics..and surprisingly u pulak yang ada post the pics..hahaha
kin - thanks. wishing you aand your family a merry x-mas and happy new year too.
kurz - ahaha. saja je nak post kat blog. hehehe.
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