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not a bad result for a couple of hours search in just 2 days. :)

notice the different body colour tone of these 2 custom 53 cadillac? the upper one has darker colour than the lower one.

well everytime during the hw 7E promotion, there are sure some interesting story/incident that either i experience my self or heard from the 7E staff. there are story about collector that insulting 7E staff that doesn't want to bring out the hot wheels stock, collector that trailing the delivery truck, 7E staff that claim them self as hw collector by just collecting 'green card', 7E staff that even bought the 'green card' but have no idea why he bought that 'green card' lol.
But the one that disgust me the most was this incident in this recent 7E promotion where i was told by one of the 7E staff a person that claim himself from Mattel demanded him to open the hot wheels case to do 'Price Check'. WTF.... more story about this incident in my next few post.
super, super and super! ;)
Its a jungle out there.
You either be hunting or be hunted (if you a 7E staff).
$uperb hauls bro.. many $uper.. u want to trade? heheee
zack - thank you my friend. :)
rafys - ya, macam-macam ade....
kown - thanks bro. what extra TH$ you have for trade?
congrats, loves those $uper TH!!!
yeah~ hot hot story coming up!
haha XD
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