i only got to know that 7E is launching a promo for HW and MB on late sunday (26/7) night. i immediately grab my car key and went to a few nearest 7E at my location.
my main target in this 7E promo is the TH$ bad bagger. but seems like most of the 7E that i visited has been raided earlier by some other collectors. the spirit is a bit down, but somehow in the most unexpected 7E location i found a TH$ bad bagger. yahoo!!

what a great joy and relief when i finally found it. haha.
>> click to show more - click again to hide << most of the 7E was restock with bad bagger wave for this promotion period. if you are lucky enough, you might came across the 7E that restock with the new neet streeter wave. i only came across 1 store with neet streeter wave from over 30+ stores that i visited.
so this is the best time for you to get some of the HW/MB cars that you have miss out earlier. if you find/hunt hard enough, i'm sure you'll get what you want.
happy hunting!
Unlike mcdonald malaysia where they only release certain toy at certain date, i bought all the 8 items in a single visit. bought it with RMB80, which approximately about RM40 after conversion.
these hello kitty are so cute