for your information these Hot Wheels 65 Volkswagen Fastback are from the Garage series which only sold in Target store in U.S. this blue colour is the 3rd colour after the black and orange colour that was release earlier.
i'll be shipping in a few more pieces of this 65 Volkswagen Fastback again so that those of you that didn't manage to get from me earlier can have piece of it. the price will be much lower than those that sell in amcorp flee market. i can assure you that. :)
drop me an email 'kuku_misc @ yahoo.com' (remove the spaces in between) if you wish to purchase one.
still not enough? how about
>> click to show more - click again to hide <<
3 then.
still not enough?
>> click to show more - click again to hide <<
make it 4.
still not satisfied?
>> click to show more - click again to hide <<
how about 5?
still want more?
>> click to show more - click again to hide <<
you have to find it your self then.....