suddently this struck me that i actually had never saw this baja breaker from any of my previous haul before. strange.... does this mean it's more rare than the TH? hehe.
3 matte blue colour casting that release last year, really an awesome colour in my oppinion.
oh btw, pickup another 2 of this also together with the baja breaker today. :D however one of the blister card was damage. will be a good reason for me to uncard it later. :)
the 2nd answer to my ebay haul - Hotwheels 2010 Larry, Phil, Wayne Garage Series (B Case). notice that this cars was made in malaysia? a malaysian like me have to cross half the globe to US to get it. how ironic can this be... =.="
6 casting, all in double. same as the slick ride series, the car came in this series are all metal body, metal base, plus real riders wheels. School Busted. this is the main reason of me in getting this case. i love this casting the first time i saw it. Bone Shaker. one fo the favourite among the collector. 57 Chevy 64 Lincoln Continental 69 Camaro. reminded me on my 2008 TH$ 69 Camaro. 8 Crate. hmm... some how i started to like this casting.
one set will definetely be set loose, but i'm still thinking about keeping another set uncard or sell it... hmm....
new 5 cars pack in town? found this 5 cars pack from our local hypermarket not to long ago. to my surprise it has the toyota AE-86! this (made popular by Initial-D comic/anime) casting never re-appear in any hw line/series since it's debut in 2006 first edition.
all the casting came with metal body, metal base and real rider tyres, a heavyweight in it's own class!
56 Flashsider Power Panel Custom 62 Chevy 56 Cadillac Funny Car 83 Chevy Silverado 50s Chevy Truck. one my favourite casting. Combat Medic Dairy Delivery. every hw collector favourite. 56 Ford Ford Anglia Panel
i have decided to collect the slick rides series this year after my dissapointment with 2009 TH$ collection. at least i can get a peaceful mind with this compare with trying to complete the TH$ collection. plus, some casting in this series is far more pretty than some other TH$ that i have seen. and it cost much cheaper than the re-sell value of TH$!
i do not normally collect this casting, but the cool tribal tampo on the car plus the matte green simply irresistible for me. hehe. maybe i will collect all the cave series car this year. hmm....
1. Design : 15 - not really my cup of tea. 2. Colour/Tampo: 20 - cool! 3. Weight : 15 - very small car, plastic base. 4. Popularity : 18 - not sure but i don't see many on the rack. 5. Rarity : 18 - the wave is still new and i'm not sure how many car will be in one box. so i'm giving it 18.
manage to get a glimse of the new hw wave yesterday. these are some of the cars that came in the latest hw 69 ford torino talladega wave recently. i guess i was pretty late cause some of the cars that came in this wave was no where to be found already.
car that have tribal tampo - Sinistra and Rocket Box car that equipt with missle - Urban Agent and Sting Rod II. 10 Camaro SS and 09 Cadillac CTS-V. racing cars - HW Super Modified and Riley & Scott MK III Custom 53 Cadillac, 57 Chevy Bel Air, 67 Shelby GT-500.
hopefully we'll see more restock of this wave later.
the logo at the back resemble the VW logo isn't it? but if you look carefully it's actually different and this one is just a letter "W". wondering what does that "W" mean... look at the face expression, reminded me of maui people from hawaii. hehe. some information at the back of the card.
1. Design : 20 - love it! 2. Colour/Tampo: 20 - cool! 3. Weight : 15 - very small car... 4. Popularity : 20 - not sure yet but i'm going to give it full point. hehe. 5. Rarity : 18 - the wave is still new and i'm not sure how many car will be in one box. so i'm giving it 18.
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Let the pictures do the talking...
Enjoy the pics and video..
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2011 visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS GUYS!!!! I'M REALLY TO HAPPY!!!! Lets make a better blog, coment i f
you want me to change something and I'll try to change it.
All I can say now is:...
1/64 Hotwheels Lancer Evolution X Helang
Let my pics do the talking ;)
Yup, there are some flaws, but mostly minor. Had fun doing this little fella
* click on each pic to view larger version...
Welcome to my space, my blog, where i share some of my hobby and collectibles/toys to the world.
Hope you will enjoy your stay here, and welcome to drop by again from time to time.
suddently this struck me that i actually had never saw this baja breaker from any of my previous haul before. strange.... does this mean it's more rare than the TH? hehe.
3 matte blue colour casting that release last year, really an awesome colour in my oppinion.
oh btw, pickup another 2 of this also together with the baja breaker today. :D
however one of the blister card was damage. will be a good reason for me to uncard it later. :)