nothing much, just manage to get another regular TH ford mustang and yellow DD. the TH$ still elude from me....

found some new wave of 5 cars pack. some of the 5 cars pack come with some very nice tampo cars. i'm so tempted to buy but @RM30++, i'll wait for discount first.:p anyway, i did grab that new ferarri pack though. :D
this is my first cabbin fever truck. i've been looking for the 2009 cabbin fever but couldn't found it till today. anyway, i'm glad that i manage to obtain this 'even more harder to get' cabbin fever at very reasonable price! :D
by the way, did i mention this truck is actually a car carrier? :)
cabbin fever with its precious cargo at the back.
the score:
1. Design : 20
2. Colour/Tampo: 18
- the front part of the car it's a little bit too plain.
3. Weight : 14
- almost the whole car is made from plastic.
4. Popularity : 20
- not sure, but i guess it must be very popular.
5. Rarity : 18
- not sure, but i'm going to give it 18.
Total Score: 90%